Chacaruna Healing Shamanic Teachings and Journeys

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Harness Wisdom from the Mountain Spirits

“Machula Aulanchis” is Quechua for “Benevolent Old Ones.” The indigenous peoples of the Andes offer prayers and gratitude to the mountain spirits (the APUs) to connect with the Wisdom of the “Old Ones,” knowing they bring Wisdom, Strength, and Higher Guidance, as well as profound connections to the upper realms, the stars.

In these times of significant change, allow the Wisdom and Guidance from the Machula Aulanchis – the Benevolent Old Ones – to nourish you and give you strength! As the powerful Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse energies peak, stand boldly in the light Luna exudes in Her dance with Pachamama, and be receptive. Even if clouds block her view, KNOW that The Light Is there! Ajallo!

P.S. The Sāmi Brothers, Alex and Madhu, chant a beautiful Machula Aulanchis tribute on their digital album, “Nuna Kallpa,” They recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for the creation of their upcoming digital album, Ch’aska Punku (Star Portal). Be sure to follow them on Facebook, too.